Saturday 28 April 2018

Term 1, 2018 Reflection

Term 1, 2018 Reflection

This term is the first time in my teaching career where I taught in an ILE environment alongside another colleague. At the end of the term we had 52 students in our care.  This is been a new learning journey for both Deb and I.  

It has taken us all term to find our feet, set expectations, get to know the kids, and iron out some challenges.  The first challenge that arose was the location of stationary and equipment.  With our students learning across two spaces to create our ILE, it meant that students had books, etc in both spaces.  This was a nightmare at the start, students not being able to find their belongings and not knowing where to start looking.  We decided to have all our student's books in tote trays stored in one space so students always knew where to go looking.  This created the next issue of students having to remember which hub they would go to next for their next lesson in order to make sure they have their tote trays and belonging in the right hub.  This is still a work in progress, but we have the maths rotation sorted.  

The next challenge we both face is the lack of time we have with each child.  With there being 52 students, we find it challenging connecting with each and every child on a daily basis to build strong relationships for learning. Some students haven't been in either of my learning groups, which means I haven't been able to connect with them on a learning level, and it means I have no idea where they are in their learning. I'm hoping as our groups change next term,I will be able to connect with a few more learners.

My biggest challenge I face, is working alongside my colleague, knowing that not all the decisions lay with me. Having worked in single cell classroom environment my whole teaching career, I have never had to check with anyone before changing my daily plans, ordering stationary, deciding on teaching/learning topics, etc.  Being consistent is also very important. We need to have clear understanding of each others expectations and boundaries as to not confuse the students. I have not wanted to say one thing to my students only to find out that my Colleague has said the opposite.  This meant that I have taken on more of a backseat approach, checking in with her before giving any instructions. This at times makes me feel as though I am incompetent, however I know it is just as to not step on any toes. I do feel however, the more I take the backseat approach, the less competent I will become, especially when moving back to a single cell again one day. This is where I will need to find the balance for myself.  Deb and I have discussed this and have agreed that we should have set days to be 'in charge'.

With all the challenges that have faced me so far this term, I do feel that lots of meaningful learning has occured and I have changed my practice therefore. Deb is a very experienced teacher with a wealth of knowledge, having shown significant shifts in student learning across the curriculum throughout her teaching career. I have enjoyed shadowing her, seeing what she does that makes a difference, and applying it to my own practise. So far we have made a great team and have worked well together. I look forward to us growing as a team this year, because together we can achieve great things with our students.