Thursday 28 May 2020

DFI Session 4: Dealing with Data / Thursday's Cohort

Today during our DFI session on Google My Maps, I had a little play around and planned a girls weekend.  My sisters and I are getting together next week, and these are the places we want to go to.

Today's session went smoothly. Each group I worked with were keen and eager to learn. It was particularly rewarding during our spreadsheets levelling up activity to see other participants take the lead and share what they have learnt - helping others in the group. Such a positive vibe happening today.

Tuesday 26 May 2020

DFI Session 4: Dealing with Data

Today as we (the Manaiakalani facilitators) support the cohort participants to analyse data using google sheets, I took some time to reflect on my own blog and the picture is presents.

Dorothy shared that we can always learn from a person based on what and how often they share on their blog.  I have always tried to be reflective, and often write a whole blog post (in my head), and then never find the time to publish it. Today I have taken that time to share what I see happening on my blog, and to ensure I share it on here.

I most certainly need to be posting to my blog more regularly. This will be a goal for myself, to try and post atleast once a week. It would be a great habit to get in to.

Below is my analysis of my blog data.

I have also used Google My Maps to map where all my 'viewers' are from. Quite interesting to see that I have viewers from all over the world, not just from New Zealand.