Wednesday 12 August 2020

Hapara Champion Educator

 So, since I'm stuck at home not able to drive or do anything else (thanks to ligament damage whilst playing netball), I thought I might as well complete my Hapara Champion Educator certificate.

This was a worthwhile experience, one I would recommend all teachers and facilitators do. I did know quite a bit about the dashboard and sharing facilities, but learnt a few more helpful tips and tricks. 

Now I can proudly display my Hapara badge alongside other my other badges. I wonder what badge I could earn next?

Friday 7 August 2020

DFI Media

Today we shared the possibilities of media that you can use within your classroom and with your students. There are so many ways to engage students with their learning using Google Apps such as Draw, Slides and of course using the likes of YouTube for creating playlists of rewindable learning for the students.

I presented a breakout on creating pick-a-path stories. I always created my own as they were creating theirs, and I realised that I had left off some important information:
  1. Use the titles to name your slides. I did share this with them, but then forgot to show them how if they change the title, it makes it easier to find the right slide you are trying to link to.
  2. That all images and text boxes added to the slide will need to have a link back to the current slide so students can accidentally advance to the next slide.
  3. I made mention part way through their create that they can use images instead of shapes and text as answers. 
My presentation with instructions.

This is my creation. I'm wanting to do something similar with Ngataki school around blog commenting once we have had a lesson or two around this concept of Smart Relationships.